Pursuing emotional and material happiness for all employees and contributing to the communities we live in through our work
- Development and production of reliable and safe seasonings and food products that adapt to consumer needs and provide high added value
- Stability and improved conditions for the lives of employees and their families as we help each other and build relationships of mutual trust
- Securing of appropriate profits based on reasonable business management and execution of social responsibilities through correct tax payment
- Enhancement of our corporate power through employee skill education and cultivation of outstanding members of society through interpersonal skill education
As a Hokkaido soul food producer

Hiroshi Fukuyama
In spring 2018, we celebrated our 60th year since inception. The core of this success lies of course in the immeasurable support from all of our customers as well as the senior staff, employees, and affiliates. That support has truly been a blessing for which I am grateful from the bottom of my heart.
We are a Hokkaido food producer that has focused on unceasing growth based in a passion for local Hokkaido cuisine. Our past achievements include the development of products like "Kami" ramen soup and Japan's first home-use Jingisukan sauce as well as soup curry and sauces for pork rice bowls and ramen salad. The foundation behind all of this is the devotion of our founders who built this company and braved all of the many diverse challenges along the way out of a desire to get food to people during the post-war era of food shortages. They worked hard so people could conveniently enjoy the deliciousness of authentic cooking at home. And I am proud to say that the result of these efforts has been to play an important part in making the Hokkaido food culture of ramen, Jingisukan, and soup curry a standard feature at the table.
Linking producers and households, and delivering across the nation
Also, in addition to household products, we are also involved in a great deal of commercial purpose products and corporate Private Brand products. In particular we have in recent years been actively engaged in turning signature specialty items from restaurants and producers into pre-prepared food products.
Our pre-prepared food products are produced at a specialized line at our ISO 22000 certified Engaru Plant. We have garnered high praise from many customers through our ability to provide small to large lots in an environment that promises food safety and reliability.
It is our own experience a local food product producer that gives us the ability to help make foods from Hokkaido restaurants and producers available nationwide. In addition to increasing our product line and maintaining a system that can adapt to customer requests, we plan to put even more effort into online sales and spreading Hokkaido food culture throughout Japan even more firmly.
On being a company that contributes to Hokkaido and all of Japan

Due to a growing divergence of needs following Japan's transformation into an aging society with a decreasing birth-rate, the food product industry is facing a change from the days of "mass production of fewer product options" to "low-volume production of diverse product options." Within this environment, the concept of "Hokkaido" has a very strong brand impression all on its own. Bell Foods is proud of being "a Hokkaido soul food producer." We are accelerating business development that promotes distinctive product production devoted to specializing in local ingredients and flavors.
Additionally, we are looking at overseas areas as markets as well, and established Bell Foods Vietnam in 2013. With this office as a hub, we are engaging in development across the various South Eastern Asian countries, while as strengthening our involvement with the growth power of energetic Asian region.
We will continue to engage in further development while journeying to an even newer era. Bell Foods aims to always be a company that can contribute to Hokkaido and to the whole of Japan as well. We will continue to walk that path.